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Welcome to The Bickel Firm: Services

Criminal Law
When you’re facing criminal charges, you need a lawyer who understands not only the law but also the community.
The Bickel Firm is able to help with every step of the way from the filing of the Petition for Divorce, through financial discovery and disclosure, settlement negotiations, and, if necessary, a contested ancillary hearing.
Child custody matters
When a couple separates and there are children it becomes difficult. No one starts a family thinking one day they won’t be able to see their child every day. There can be a struggle understanding the interplay between the cause of the parents’ separation and whether or not each parent is able to effectively care for the child/children at issue. The Bickel Firm is here to help parents work with the best interest factors to determine what truly is in the best interests of their child/children.
Financial Support
If your concern is child support, The Bickel Firm is well-versed in the Melson formula. If it is spousal support or alimony, The Bickel Firm is aware of the economic factors the Court must consider in determining if spousal support or alimony is appropriate and will be able to help you prepare both your case and your expectations for Court.
Division of property
Has the Division of Family Services removed your child from your custody and placed him or her or them with relatives or in foster care? Ashley Bickel spent almost six years representing parents whose children were in foster care and is well-versed in both the law and the process of the same. Be sure your parental rights are protected and contact us to help you be reunified with your children.
Domestic violence
Violence is real and brings with it a lot of complex emotions from fear to embarrassment to anger. The Bickel Firm is here to guide you through the process of filing litigation to protect yourself, your property and your home from an abusive family member.
Substantiation Matters
If the State of Delaware is attempting to place you on the Child Abuse Registry, you should protect your rights with legal representation. The Bickel Firm is very knowledgeable regarding the various levels of the Child Abuse Registry, the implications of the same and what the State would need to prove to substantiate you on the same.
The Bickel Firm can assist you in confirming or disproving paternity of a child through genetic testing and the adjudication process through Family Court.
Prenuptial agreements
If you are looking to define the rights and responsibilities of you and your fiancé if your marriage should end in death or divorce, The Bickel firm legal team has extensive experience drafting prenuptial and postnuptial agreements to ease the stress of the parties in the event of the termination of their marriage.
There are circumstances in which a child or children may be dependent, neglected or abused in the care of his/her/their parents. In these instances, a relative or non-relative is able to file for guardianship to be given legal custody of the child/children to protect the children from their prior home lives.
Assisted Reproductive Technology
From sperm, egg and embryo donorship to gestational carrier agreements, The Bickel Firm works hard to complete the necessary legal paperwork to ensure that individuals and couples are able to grow their families using assisted reproductive technology. As someone who grew her own family through ART, Ashley is invested in helping other families be able to do the same and has an intimate knowledge of the terminology, process, and struggles that accompany this journey.
Special Immigrant Juvenile Status
When unaccompanied minors from other countries travel to the United States and are taken into the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, they are regularly placed with relatives.
Criminal Matters in Family Court
Whether you are a juvenile or an adult with criminal charges pending in Family Court, The Bickel Firm is here to ensure your rights are protected and to help you navigate the criminal justice system from arraignment, through discovery, case reviews and to eventual resolution of your charges.

Get In Touch with Us

9 N Front Street Georgetown, DE 19947
Phone: (302) 500-4130
Fax: (302) 500-4128